Nano Emerald Green 6G Spray 100ml


100ml Nano Emerald Green 6G Spray


100ml of Nano Emerald Green 6G Spray


With the advent of 6G around the corner protection is needed. What is 6g you ask? 6G (sixth-generation wireless) is the successor to the lovely 5G that is destroying our cellular matrix and cognitive decline. 6G networks will be able to utilize higher frequencies 1000 times stronger than 5G. These cancer causing frequencies are the threat now and moving forward into the. NEG6G utilizes light frequencies derived from the oceans to protect our bodies. After Spraying your head, face, eyes open, and neck is all you need to have your body absorb the frequencies and like a Scalar wave your body will cancel out a percentage of that 5G or 6G wave. Sleep better, Feel Better, Think Better. The solution does also contains a enhanced fourth state of plasma water that goes through a tachyon infusion process , a crystalline infusion process consisting of: (Shungite, Obsidian, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Chalcedony, Petrified Wood, Ocean Jasper, Red Jasper, Magnesite Clear Quartz, Sodalite, Chalcedony Clear Quartz, Garnet, Emerald, Black Tourmaline, Lapis Lazuli, Rainbow Moonstone, Aventurine, Aquamarine, Smoky Quartz, Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Nephrite, Rutilated Quartz Zeolite, Black Tourmaline, Jade, Diamonds). It is then enhanced through a Luma Elite photonic high magnetic voltage infuser, this then adds the Nogier Frequencies such as 293hz, 584hz, 1168hz, 2336hz, 4672hz, 73hz, 146hz. We then process the the water for 48 hrs to infuse the various nano particle substances such as NanoZinc.02nm ppm, Nano Colloidal Gold 02ppm-100ppm, Nano Colloidal Silver 02ppm-100ppm , Nano Zeolite, ORMUS (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements), and Red ORMUS. Contains Oceanic Nano Colelenterazines and Nano Luciferins. Available in 100ml Spray Bottles. Apply as necessary as often as needed, or morning and night. Safe for animals.